Grace Joubarne

Clinical Hypnotherapist, Master Hypnotist – Grace Joubarne


Clinical Hypnotherapist, Master Hypnotist - Grace Joubarne

* Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Pacific Institute of Advanced Hypnotherapy (PIAH) – medical and dental hypnotherapy

* Medical & Dental Hypnotherapist and Master Hypnotist, (PIAH)

* Holistic Practitioner, (PIAH)

* Certified Medical Hypnotherapist: International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Assoc. (to 2017)

* Certified with International Association of Counselors and Therapists (to 2014)

* Member, Association of Professional Hypnosis & Psychotherapy (APHP) (to 2017)

* Adheres to the APHP Code of Ethics

* Certificate in Advanced Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)

*  Psychosexual Dysfunction Specialist, diploma from Terence Watts

*  Brain Working Recursive Therapy training by Terence Watts, UK

* Specialist Certificate in IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome & Fibromyalgia Pain Relief)

* Specialist Certificate in Hypnotic Pain Relief and Migraine Headaches

* Experienced child hypnotherapist

* Experienced parenting coach

* Experienced hypno-couples counselor

* 1st and 2nd Degree Reiki

* Basic NLP techniques

* Trained/Certified at PIAH- a BC government- approved education facility

* Life-long study of holistic living

* Transpersonal coaching skills

* Volunteer with many worthy causes

Grace Joubarne became involved in Clinical Hypnotherapy and hypnosis, cognitive behavior therapy, solution-focused and client-focused therapy, and counseling, by travelling the emotional, mental, physical and educational road to wellness and peace from a childhood of hardship, reaching her rightful destination … happiness and contentment.

Today Grace is relentlessly pursuing her goal that everyone willing to heal themselves be afforded the experience of medical hypnotherapy and hypnosis treatment by a clinical hypnotherapist.  Her dedication and experience offers people of all walks of life a healthy alternative to psychiatric treatments for mental illness … drug-free and long talk therapy-free. When undertaken with a qualified clinical hypnotherapist, medical hypnotherapy and hypnosis (and particularly regression hypnotherapy, which involves root-cause work) is a life-saving, healing modality that uses, as one of it’s most important tools, hypnosis. Grace offers years of experience and competency at her Ottawa hypnosis and hypnotherapy treatment centre, as well as in her Belleville hypnotherapy treatment centre.  

Grace’s personal journey and the journey she has taken with many now-happy clients, has forever convinced Grace that healing is about working with the entire being … mind, body and spirit. She believes, based on her own life experience and those of her clients, that medications and surgery cannot fix what originates in the soul or subconscious.

Using a Competent Clinical Hypnotherapist

Grace Joubarne can help YOU access your own power to bring peace, wisdom, peacefulness, knowledge, confidence and self-love into your life.

During hypnotherapy sessions, Grace offers wisdom and compassion to her clients because she experienced first hand the sting of anger, frustration, anxiety, depression and low self-esteem so many millions experience daily. Each visit to a traditional therapist left her feeling increasingly more dis-empowered, as she sensed she was giving up control of her life to a stranger.  Diagnoses caused her to feel more and more flawed and hopeless by the week. Prescription drugs then slowly took their physical toll…again, nothing seemed to ‘cure’ the relentless ‘sad, hopeless’ feelings until she found a  qualified clinical hypnotherapist who would help her locate, identify and dissolve the root cause of her fears and struggles.

Grace lives a natural lifestyle, embracing organic foods, recycling and activities that honour our connection with all of creation. In addition to assisting clients to self-heal through hypnosis treatments and hypnotherapy, she happily and effectively shares knowledge gained from decades of natural living by teaching clients how to interpret product labels, how to acquire the healthiest of food and how to protect themselves from toxic food and pharmaceutical products. She also understands and uses crystals for those clients so inclined, as well as various techniques of energy clearing such as Reiki.  Where appropriate, Grace Joubarne uses NLP and EFT (NeuroLinguistic Programming and Emotional Freedom Techniques such as tapping).

Hypnotherapy and Hypnosis Treatments for Children and Guidance for Parents

As children are our future, Grace takes particular interest in sharing with parents the insight she acquires in sessions with children and with adult survivors of often well-intentioned, but toxic parenting styles. She spends countless hours counseling people on the dangers of mindlessly parenting as we had been parented, helping them understand the formation of belief systems and the long term effects of child-rearing.

Grace is in full-time hypnotherapy and counseling practice in Ottawa, Ontario with a satellite office in Belleville, Ontario. She is in the process of writing a book on holistic parenting from the perspective of someone who sees the emotional carnage associated with harmful parenting, as well as a book on regression hypnotherapy and hypnosis treatments for professionals. Grace  has never been and never intends to be involved with entertainment hypnosis.

Grace Joubarne is available for presentations, workshops (including intensive parenting workshops through the Good Kids on Purpose project) and for group sessions. As a freelance writer, Grace contributes articles for various magazines, including Tone Magazine, Natural Presence, Natural Network and The Landowner.  She hopes you will enjoy her ASK  blog.



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