Treatment for Anxiety

Causes of Generalized Anxiety and Anxiety Disorders

•  Unresolved issues of safety and security in childhood, resulting in a life-long sense of impending danger, varying from mild to severe at times, but seemingly always present;

*Situational Anxiety
Everyone has experienced situational, anxiety-provoking situations which can be assisted by relaxation-focused hypnotherapy and specific attention to triggers. Turning to psychiatric drugs in these times is well documented to result in a worsening and disabling condition in the long run.*Chronic Anxiety
The vast majority of clients seen by a clinical hypnotherapist suffer from severe, long-standing anxiety often accompanied by depression, drug-induced psychosis and physical issues. Prolonged anxiety can result in all manner of physical stress-related issues, such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), fibromyalgia, migraine headaches, cardiovascular ailments, unexplained skin rashes such as psoriasis, eczema and unwanted habits such as skin picking, nail biting and grinding and clenching of the teeth. Anxiety is the main ingredient in obsessive-compulsive behaviors, unwanted habits (smoking, alcohol and drug abuse, medication abuse) and fears of all sorts. The psychiatric drug treatment of anxiety will add many other symptoms:aggression, agitation, dispassionate and disconnected behavior, hostility, apathy, hallucinations, tardive dyskinesia (involuntary movements of tongue and facial muscles), violence and suicide through drug-induced pre-frontal cortex damage.

*Relaxation-Induced Anxiety
Some have experienced anxiety all of their lives and have become so accustomed to the level of anxiety they experience that it feels normal. Some anxiety sufferers even experience relaxation-induced anxiety, a non-scientific term coined in 1980, which essentially means that when they try to ‘chill out’ they in fact trigger an anxiety attack. It sounds ironic for certain, but such people find that when they try rest and relaxation, vacations, music, meditation and exercise – activities that often help calm others down – they begin to feel increasingly agitated and impatient. Sometimes they can achieve moments of relaxation, but soon thereafter, they start to develop anxious feelings and constant recycling of thoughts and fears. To keep intrusive thoughts at bay, they feel they need to keep busy.Relaxation-induced anxiety in my view, is a lot more common then people realize and seems to be observed in workaholics, those who have to be busy at all times and those who cannot fall asleep easily due to obsessive thinking and worrying.These people often say ‘ if I don’t keep busy, my mind just spins out of control ‘ or ‘ keeping busy keeps me from thinking and worrying ‘. It is interesting that some people also believe that relaxing may appear to others as a sign of laziness; that unless they are doing ‘something’ they are unproductive.

*Drug Induced Anxiety and Agitation
It is widely understood that most, if not all psychiatric drugs, can cause severe anxiety, panic, agitation, aggression, hostility, irritability, suicidal and homicidal thoughts. When reported to doctors, a patient’s doctor will often dismiss these effects as ‘part of their original mental health issue’, increase the dosage of the medication or abruptly stop the drug to switch to another.There is no way any mind-altering drug can improve the reasoning capacity of anyone, most especially the developing brain of a child. As Dr. Joseph Tarantolo, a psychiatrist in private practice in Washington DC advocating for the banning of drug therapies, especially in children, succinctly states,“ If a doctor treats someone who needs a great deal of strength just to think straight, and gives him one of these drugs, that could push him over the edge into violent behavior .”

•  Persistent feelings of not being good enough, being unworthy, of needing to please others and be liked by others, of needing to be perfect and in control all provoke increasing anxiety and depression until the root-cause is identified and dissolved;

•  Medication effects Psychiatric drugs cause paradoxical symptoms, such that, while a medication is prescribed to reduce anxiety levels, in fact they eventually result in significant agitation, depression, paranoia and psychosis, which the patient is then erroneously told is a factor of their original emotionally-based anxiety.


•  Withdrawal effects Weaning off psychiatric drugs triggers many physical effects, none of which are pleasant, some of which can be severe and cause the patient grave concern and worry if they are not aware of what is happening. Again, many conventional doctors will deny the effects of the medications they are prescribing and falsely claim the patient is ‘relapsing’ when in fact, anxiety, agitation, headaches, dizziness, sweating and a myriad of other symptoms are the direct result of weaning off an addictive substance.  Often the grave situation presented by withdrawal symptoms is downplayed by the medical/pharmaceutical industry through a renaming of ‘withdrawal’ to ‘discontinuation syndrome’. There are excellent resources available to assist in safely weaning off psychiatric drugs and managing the inevitable withdrawal and re-bound effects.









Why Choose Natural Treatments for Anxiety and Other Mental Illnesses?

In the early 1900s Quakers founded highly successful mental hospitals across the USA that did not use psychiatric methods. Instead they ably demonstrated that those depressed and/or schizophrenic could be nursed (with caring support, good food and improved lifestyle) right back to health and returned to their jobs and families within 6-months to a year.

And this is the case today… studies have shown repeatedly that un-medicated patients will resolve their emotional issues and return to their lives with a caring, knowledgeable therapist and a change in lifestyle habits, whereas those medicated and/or electroshocked are most likely to find a worsening condition to the point where it is common to find psychiatric patients also dealing with 2-3 chronic illnesses within a few short years of starting drug treatment.

A multitude of studies since 1950 have shown that un-medicated, but supported and competently counselled patients will resume their normal activities within a year and in the vast majority of cases, without relapse. In fact, many ethical doctors have shown that most people will experience bouts of depression and/or anxiety that will pass with just a change of circumstances…a job after a long unemployment period, healing after a nasty divorce and so on. These successfully resolved bouts increases an individual’s resilience and determination.

As observed in my hypnotherapy practice, long-standing, persistent anxiety disorders can be resolved safely and permanently with drug-free, diagnosis-free, regression hypnotherapy, which is an approach designed to identify and neutralize the underlying root cause of the feelings of being unsafe and not secure which prevails in the client’s life. This approach goes beyond the typical psychological and psychotherapeutic modalities such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to work at the subconscious level where all emotion is manifest and stored and where changes can be readily facilitated .

As Dr. Breggin and so many other ethical medical doctors warn, psychiatric diagnoses serve the doctor and the insurance companies that pay the doctor, never the patient. In addition they are often entirely incorrect, always without scientific merit and to remain healthy everyone must avoid all psychiatric medications . They do not work and the sheer numbers of these brain-damaging drugs on the market, the thousands of manufactured illnesses and early deaths that result from their use are all testament to psychiatric drug therapy’s complete uselessness.

Dr. Peter Breggin , world renowned expert on psychiatric drugs, makes one especially sobering point: that if everyone could realize before taking any psychiatric drugs that these drugs were designed to replace surgical lobotomies they would then have all the information they need to make a fully informed decision. Psychiatric drugs are chemical lobotomies and their purpose is solely to disabled the normal function of the pre-frontal cortex portion of the brain.

All medications affect the pre-frontal cortex area of the brain, usually permanently. This is serious, as the pre-frontal cortex is that part of the brain that regulates emotion, thought, long-term and short-term decision making, memory, concentration, ability to focus and engage in productive deductive reasoning. Without a healthy pre-frontal cortex it is difficult to learn new tasks, especially complex tasks and those involved in change and to use reason to calm oneself.

Grace Hypnotherapy treatments offer an opportunity to resolve the underlying reason for the anxiety and to strengthen the ability of the client to learn new thinking patterns and behaviors and to regulate their own emotions. In other words, it enhances brain function; it does not disable brain function as chemical treatments do.

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Feelings of Anxiety are the Result of Unproductive Beliefs NOT Mental Illness

While conventional medicine seems to be casting a wider and wider net as it seeks to define anxiety, depression and emotional issues in a way that includes as many people and normal life experiences as possible, the fact is that ‘mental illness’ is a term entirely subjectively coined by psychiatrists and pharmaceuticals to sell psychiatric drugs. In other words:

there is no objective (scientific) evidence (proof) that any mental illness exists, not even schizophrenia! In fact, science has proven repeatedly that the brain of those deemed ‘mental ill’ (and that includes practically everyone according to psychiatrists) are perfectly normal until drugs are used, then and only then does it function abnormally. Mental Illness is a figment of the creative money-making minds of psychiatrists and is not a brain disorder. Normal human emotions are not a brain disorder, nor a mental illness.

However, slick marketing by pharmaceuticals and outright misrepresentation of the facts by medical doctors and clinical researchers hired by the pharmaceuticals has resulted in patients believing that mental illness is a brain disorder that requires treatment…nothing can be further from the truth!

Why the Reduction of Anxiety is Pivotal in the Resolution of Mental Illness

The reduction of all anxiety (aka stress) is paramount because anxiety partners with cortisol (fight or flight hormone) leaving a person helpless against the distorted thinking it fuels… and in fact cortisol will cause depression, anxiety, persistent worry, insomnia, sleep disorders, weight gain and a whole host of problems all on its own. The only permanent solution for anxiety, anxiety attacks and panic attacks is to find and dissolve the root-cause of the present issues so that a calm state resulting from feeling deeply safe and secure becomes the normal state. And, the only sure, dignified drug-free, label-free way I know works is hypnotherapy and specifically regression hypnotherapy (regression to the root cause).

In a calm state, the brain is able to utilize the pre-frontal cortex to maximum benefit…good reasoning, improved memory and concentration and objective, rational decision-making. Driven by a subconscious belief of being safe and secure, good enough and valued, the brain can then re-wire itself (see PDF on Brain Plasticity) to respond to life as though it was indeed a safe place, reducing and eventually eliminating the need for cortisol release and over-reaction to the normal triggers of everyday life.

Symptom Migration and Symptom Substitution

Symptom migration is quite common when a therapist not trained in regression hypnotherapy tries to eradicate one symptom (coping mechanism) at a time instead of getting to and resolving the root cause of all the symptoms once and for all. The anxiety must be dealt with one way or another until the brain perceives relief from the feeling of being unsafe, even if it’s only for a short time, therefore a person either takes on another symptom (coping mechanism) or one they already have intensifies if the approach is to eliminate one symptom (coping mechanism). The best example of this is when a person stops smoking only to overeat.  Smoking helps a person cope with the anxiety (stress) and when that option for relief is removed, the brain will search for another, possibly coping by ‘overeating’…or ‘overworking’ and so on.

Symptom migration is sometimes referred to by the name ‘symptom substitution’, however I feel that no symptom is substituted for something else, it simply becomes latent.

When a client is willing and committed to healing themselves, they typically see very wonderful results with regression hypnotherapy treatment for anxiety and especially with Grace Hypnotherapy.

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Hypnotherapy Treatment to Dissolve the Root Cause of the Cluster of Symptoms

As a Clinical Hypnotherapist, I found it unproductive to tackle one symptom at a time; the GracePlace Wellness 3-session Grace Hypnotherapy program addresses the root cause of the persistent anxiety and other symptoms. Usually a person who is suffering anxiety will exhibit a cluster of symptoms (for example some or all of: mood swings, depression, chronic self-doubt, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) or other gastrointestinal issues, Fibromyalgia or other tension/muscle pain issues, headaches, grinding or clenching of the teeth, sleep problems, relationship issues, etc). Tackling one symptom at a time in effect puts a band-aide on each one, and like the band-aides we apply to physical wounds, they don’t last long.

After hypnotherapy treatment (specifically GracePlace Wellness 3-session Grace Hypnotherapy), those who suffer with any type of emotionally-based anxiety experience a deep sense of safety, security and peacefulness and they find themselves fully able to enjoy the moment, every moment. A prevailing sense of calmness becomes the new ‘normal’. As hypnosis is a state of focused concentration, even those who fear relaxing can benefit greatly from regression-to-cause hypnotherapy with a qualified hypnotherapist.

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GracePlace Wellness Hypnotherapy Treatment for Anxiety  (Grace Hypnotherapy)

Persistent anxiety and depression are common symptoms of a deeper underlying belief of being unsafe and no amount of thinking, drinking, eating, medicating, or ‘coping’ can neutralize an underlying belief. To my knowledge only therapy in hypnosis (hypnotherapy) can resolve such issues permanently ( see Choosing Your Hypnotherapist). Once the underlying root cause is discovered and neutralized, then the many associated symptoms seem to just disappear. If the symptoms (for example intrusive thoughts, emotional eating, headaches, constant worry, anxiety attacks, panicky feelings, chronic indecision, persistent self-doubt and self-dissatisfaction and so on) have become a conditioned response to certain triggers, then once the underlying driver (belief) is neutralized, it is not a difficult matter to re-program the brain due to its plasticity.


Download this PDF: All About Brain Plasticity PDF


Why We Must Stop Blaming the Brain

Thus this hypnotherapeutic approach does not seek to blame the brain for the unwanted emotions (‘bad’ feelings). It recognizes that the brain simply reacts to messages from the subconscious mind as to how the person is ‘feeling’. If you feel hungry, your brain reacts in ways designed to obtain nutrition; if you feel tired, your brain reacts to get you rest; if you are frightened by a noise, your brain will react with the required cortisol hormone (fight or flight chemical) and some option to get you to safety. Thus, the brain is merely a reactionary device, designed to satisfy our feelings.

All emotions are natural and a reliable indicator as to how safe or unsafe our world is perceived to be over time. If, during childhood, the subconscious mind is instilled with such emotional content that it formed a belief you were unsafe (unwanted, not good enough, etc), then your brain simply programmed itself to react to life as though it was fundamentally unsafe and thus required constant vigilance for survival. Constant vigilance is another way of expressing a need to ensure one is safe at all times.

The brain’s job is to keep the person alive no matter what (survival instinct). Therefore from early childhood it identified patterns, assessed safety and established its life-long operational manual, filled with neural pathways and conditioned responses, which, with repeated use, became set on automatic.


see PDF Anxiety in Children & The Importance of Avoiding Psychiatic Drugs PDF


To assist clients to self-heal from persistent anxiety, including generalized anxiety, social anxiety, exam anxiety, performance anxiety and many other non-drug induced types of anxiety, I utilize a very successful 3-session regression hypnotherapy program that I personally developed over many years of treating anxiety issues. This allows the client to work with their subconscious mind to dissolve the root cause of all negative and unproductive emotions and beliefs, which were seeded in early childhood and reinforced over a life-time.

On average, the process of identifying and releasing emotional root issues and reframing traumatic events requires 3-4 sessions in total, but never less than 3 sessions, which is why I start with the 3-session program. After the emotional work is cleared away, a client typically experiences overall calmness and stress-related symptoms such as low moods, persistent lethargy, irritability, impatience, obsessive thinking and behaviors, agitation, constant worrying, poor sleep (insomnia), nightmares, low self-confidence and so on seem to vanish. In other words, the brain is capable of re-wiring itself once it is signaled that the person is safe and secure.

Because every case is unique, clients are guided through their self-healing process at the pace their subconscious mind needs. The sessions can run from 1.5 hours to 3.5 hours in length, depending on the root-cause and the solution the subconscious mind decides is best for that individual. All sessions are customized because every individual is unique and what is discovered in one session sets the stage for the next.

Prior to booking clients into the 3-session program, the client undergoes a 2-hr consultation session so that they can fully understand how they came to acquire the symptoms and coping habits they are enduring today (and others that they may not have realized are related). Thus a client fully understands the regression hypnotherapy process and specifically how my 3-session hypnothnerapy program works and their role in their own healing.

The testimonials on this site are signed and you can find another 18 on Google Maps. Simply type in GracePlace Wellness, Ottawa and it will bring up 18 reviews for you to view, many citing healthy resolution of various degrees and forms of anxiety.

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Can Hynotherapy Work if a Client is on Psychiatric Medications?

The answer in most cases is a resounding YES, however, the client must be aware that hypnotherapy cannot overcome drug-induced agitation, paranoia, psychotic episodes and withdrawal symptoms, which run the gamut from being mild to severe depending on the dosage and length of time on medications. 



Download this PDF: Why Psychiatric Medications Must be Avoided PDF


Hypnotherapy facilitates the resolution of the underlying emotional drivers of anxiety. In addition, Grace Hypnotherapy treatment for anxiety provides all the resources a client needs in order to wean off their psychiatric medications safely and to engage their doctors in their decision to abandon harmful psychiatric drugs in favor of proven natural therapies. As well, we provide the support and awareness a client requires in order to successfully navigate withdrawal symptoms as they free themselves from pharmaceutical drugs.

As many clients have additional health problems such as chronic liver, kidney, adrenal, thyroid, cardiovascular and high blood pressure issues due to pharmaceutical drug side-effects, we refer clients to medical doctor/neurophysiologist/naturopathic physician/master iridologist, Dr. Vladimir Topalo, for assistance with a safe detoxification and rebalancing of the body function through the exclusive use of natural homeopathic and herbal remedies and nutritional counselling.

The combination of hypnotherapeutic emotional detoxification of unproductive beliefs and the naturopathic physical detoxification treatments has resulted in excellent results in even those who were diagnosed as psychotic and told they would be on psychiatric drugs the rest of their lives.


Highly recommended reading:

Medication Madness by Dr. Peter Breggin
Emperor’s New Drugs by Irving Kirsch

Anatomy of an Epidemic by Robert Whitaker
Commonsense Rebellion by Bruce Levine

Drug Lords: America’s Pharmaceutical Cartel by Tonda R. Bian


Excellent Sites for Independent Information on Health, Drugs and Medicine: Citizens Commission on Human Rights International –even has a psychiatric drug search engine All about facts that everyone needs to make informed decisions a site bringing light to suppressed information on health, policy


To Report Psychiatric Abuse and Side Effects:


Anxiety in Children – The Importance of Avoiding Psychiatric Drugs PDF
Why Psychiatric Medications Must Be Avoided PDF
Brain Plasticity PDF
Psychiatric Treatments are Useless and Based on Deception PDF
Resources for Weaning Off Psychiatric Drugs Safely PDF
For more valuable information on Emotional Freedom and how to tell if YOU are emotionally free PDF


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