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Substantive Canadian studies of thousands of children have now proven that despite parents, teachers, doctors and pharmaceutical claims that ADHD and other psychiatric drugs will help a child succeed at school, drugging children is COUNTER-PRODUCTIVE. Studies show that training parents of children with ADHD diagnoses in stress management and nutritional and behavioral interventions helped their children succeed, with fewer long-term complications.  

Studies show ADHD drugs permanently damage children!

Studies show ADHD drugs permanently damage children!

Despite the slick marketing that preys on parents looking for a ‘socially acceptable’ way to deal with kids who have become unable to manage chemicalized food and the pressure-cooker environments at school and at home, some results are surfacing….and they are worse than ugly.

According to journalist Woody Zimmerman (Atlantic Highlands Herald, Aug 5/13) “At last count, taken in 2007, our federal government estimated that 2.7 million under-18 children were taking ADHD medications, with no accountability for the academic results. Since 2007, prescriptions for the drugs have surged, with spending doubling to over $9 billion per year.

Mark Stabile, professor of economics and public policy at the University of Toronto and one of the authors of the Canadian study pointed out , “If Ritalin is beneficial, then long-term school performance – as measured by indicators such as graduation rates and math scores – should improve. But the study found no such improvement. In fact, it found that boys who had taken Ritalin were more likely to drop out of school, and girls were more likely to be unhappy and depressed.

Princeton University economist Janet Currie and two colleagues pull the mask off pharmaceutical claims in: Do Stimulant Medications Improve Educational and Behavioral Outcomes for Children with ADHD?  Funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, published by the National Bureau of Economic Research, Massachusetts, the authors concluded.  “Overall, we find considerable evidence of a decline in both behavioral and educational outcomes following the increase in prescription drug coverage and the corresponding increase in Ritalin use,’.

Dr. Peter Breggin (Medication Madness, Toxic Psychiatry) has proven in landmark criminal and civil court cases that these drugs lower IQ, reasoning ability, ability to self-regulate emotion, thereby increasing the risk of suicide, homicide, aggression and hostility.

Educators have now become experts at coercion, forcing parents to harm their children with drugs and vaccines before they will ‘educate’ them.  Doctors are now writing prescriptions for children in diapers!  If that isn’t malpractice and child endangerment, then what is?”  Drugs can never be an adequate or safe alternative to effective parenting and nutritious, chemical-free food.

Grace Joubarne, Clinical Hypnotherapist has the experience and resources to help all parents raise their children naturally and safely, without life-long labels, coercion, fear and especially without drugs. 



About the Author:

I’m a clinical hypnotherapist and one of my passions is helping children, teens and adults navigate the challenges and stressors we all face today. I’ve traveled the road to emotional wellness from a childhood of hardship to reach happiness and contentment. Today I am relentless in my goal that everyone willing to heal themselves be afforded the experience this life-saving healing modality offers.

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