If the Drugging of Infants and Toddlers by the Millions Doesn’t Bother You, Nothing Will!

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Watchdog Says Report of 10,000 Toddlers on ADHD Drugs Tip of the Iceberg—274,000 0-1 Year Olds and 370,000 Toddlers Prescribed Psychiatric Drugs (via PRWeb)

Mental health watchdog Citizens Commission on Human Rights says a new report issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on the 10,000 toddlers being prescribed ADHD drugs, is only the tip of the iceberg regarding children being prescribed…



About the Author:

I’m a clinical hypnotherapist and one of my passions is helping children, teens and adults navigate the challenges and stressors we all face today. I’ve traveled the road to emotional wellness from a childhood of hardship to reach happiness and contentment. Today I am relentless in my goal that everyone willing to heal themselves be afforded the experience this life-saving healing modality offers.

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